Team Cowboy

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Why isn't my profile information changing or showing up on the roster when I update my profile?
There are two likely reasons why this may be happening:
  1. Your profile information is being overridden for a specific team and has been cleared out for that team
  2. Your profile privacy settings are set to hide certain information


On the Edit Profile page, there is a concept of a "core profile" which is your main profile information, but you can also customize your profile information for each of your teams. This allows you to hide certain information for a given team or to change the information altogether. For example, if your account is really for your child for one team, you can make sure that the profile information as it applies to that team shows up as your child's name (and other information) instead of as your own. To learn how to customize your profile information for each of your teams (and how to remove customization for a given team), please see this FAQ entry.

If the information you have entered is not showing up on the team roster and the team site in general, it's possible that your profile privacy settings are set to hide the information. Please see this FAQ entry on how to adjust your privacy settings.

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